Following my first blog on how property taxes are calculated, here is an article to help you pay these famous taxes.
There are 2 options available to you:
directly at the town hall (Palacio Municipal) of the municipality of Solidaridad (height of 20th avenue between calles 8 and 10 Norte).
Online payment
The government website allows you to consult your account status but also to pay online.

This page is available in mobile version with the “TRAMITES Y SERVICIOS” application which you can find by typing “Solidaridad” in your App Store.

You will obviously need to create an online account, add the land registry number (clave catastral) of your property which can be found on an old property tax receipt (predial).
By clicking on ESTADO DE CUENTA you will get the statement of your property, how much you have to pay, including discounts if applicable.
From there you can generate the pass for the cash registers (“GENERAR PASE A CAJA”) if you prefer to pay at the town hall, especially for cash payments. And you can also pay (“REALIZAR PAGO”) on the website using your bank card. Please note that some foreign cards are not accepted.
When you have made your payment, remember that you must collect the original of your payment receipt from the town hall. You have to wait 4 working days to pick it up. There is a special line for online payments so it’s pretty quick.
What you need to bring: bring your old predial, your proof of payment from this year, and an identity document.
Payment at the town hall
The town hall (Palacio Municipal) of the municipality of Solidaridad is located on 20th Avenue between Calles 8 and 10 Norte, in Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo. It is advisable to go early to avoid long queues. In January, when there are discounts on taxes, it is possible to wait an hour to get the sheet that tells you how much to pay and gives you access to the cash registers (the “pase a caja”), then you have to queue again at the checkouts. You can avoid the first line if you check your account status online and print the “pase a caja” at home. You will only have to make the 2nd line at the checkouts.
At the checkouts, it is possible to pay in cash or by bank card.
What you need to bring: the land registry number (clave catastral) or an old predial tax payment receipt.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need any further information on this subject.
Good day,